Hypnobirthing practitioner, Mamamoon birth, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Hypnobirthing for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Prepare for the most important day of your life.

Hypnobirthing practitioner, Mamamoon birth, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Birth is a rite of passage for a mother.

Our culture teaches us that birth is something to fear and something to endure rather than celebrate.  This can impact our wellbeing during pregnancy and even the type of birth we have.  Our body and mind are deeply intwined with each other and, as a result, working on our mindset during our pregnancy impacts the way our body responds on a molecular level.

Alex Leggett of Mamamoon Hypnobirthing, Hypnobirthing practitioner, Mamamoon birth, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Hello, I’m Alex.

I’m Alex, founder of MamaMoon Birth. I am a hypnobirthing practitioner accredited by MamaSerene. Giving women the tools to feel empowered when it comes to pregnancy, birth and postpartum is so important.
I would love to share my knowledge with you to help you facilitate the best possible experience.

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Learn more about Mamamoon’s course information and events.

Below you will find details of my course and event services I offer. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

The Course

  • £250

    This course can be held in your own home or you can ask me to find a suitable venue (this will be an added expense)

    The course can be done over four sessions of 2 hours or two sessions of 4 hours.

    You can start your Hypnobirthing journey at anytime during your pregnancy but I recommend starting around your 26th week. You are able to absorb more as your pregnancy progresses and this gives you more time to implement the relaxation techniques and work through any blocks you have have.


  • £175

    The group course has no more than 3 couples so we able to work in a more personal way. The group course is beneficial for those who are. looking to make connections as they embark on their journey to parenthood!


Relaxation Therapies

  • There is never a time when we need connection more than when we are becoming or have just become parents.


Mother Blessings

  • This is a beautiful alternative to a baby shower, the focus is on the mother to be as she walks her final steps from maiden to mother, or for a mother who already has little ones who can take that time to focus on the journey ahead.


Kind Words.

Kind Words.

  • "I loved working with Alex. She's the perfect guide to navigating a positive birth experience."


  • "I thought the course was fantastic and I learnt so much from it. Alex was a very calming and soothing presence during the exercises and guided them beautifully."


  • "I used all of the hypnobirthing techniques - aromatherapy, music, tealights, darkened room. I really do think the breathing and staying focused helped me. I still had the birth I wanted and for that I am so happy. Thank you for all of your support."


Mamamoon birth

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Mamamoon Postnatal
MamaMoon Antinatal