Empowered Birth


Birth is a rite of passage for a mother. Our culture teaches us that birth is something to fear and something to endure rather than celebrate.  This can impact our wellbeing during pregnancy and even the type of birth we have.  Our body and mind are deeply entwined with each other and, as a result, working on our mindset during our pregnancy impacts the way our body responds on a molecular level.

Working to change that narrative in our minds and open ourselves up to embracing birth for what it is. What if we can feel empowered in our birth choices whatever birth we may choose? 

It’s a myth that Hypnobirthing is just for women who want a natural home birth as that’s just not always possible or even wanted; it is there as a tool to ease anxiety, release fears and educate yourself on your magical body. 


Deciding to invest in your birth experience is a wise and empowered choice. The birth of your child is also the birth of you as a mother. We are blessed to live in a country that has a National Health Service but, as we know, it is currently pushed to the limit.  Care for pregnant women is focused on the birth of a healthy baby and less so on the needs and requirements of the mother.  It is important to educate ourselves on the birthing process so we are able to make informed choices when it comes to our birthing experience wherever and however we birth.

Hypnobirthing isn’t learning to breathe your baby out. Hypnobirthing is a thorough, honest education of labour and birth which is the first step in having a positive birthing experience. Furthermore, it gives you skills to make that rite of passage into motherhood powerful and positive. Your connection with your children transcends the literal attachment you had when you were pregnant, it’s always there. Trusting it (and trusting yourself) will serve you better the earlier you listen to it. Your body can do amazing things if your mind will let it!

During the course we will explore:

The Physiology of Birth

Understanding how your body works in the lead up to birth, during the birth and postpartum. This scientific aspect will allow you to trust that your body is capable of what is essentially a normal physiological process. In most cases we are able to birth our babies in the most primal ways but outside influences can stop this process from occurring. This is a wonderful example of our innate maternal  instincts which go to great lengths to protect our young, when we feel safe, our body responds accordingly. 

The Psychology of Birth

The mind and body work in synergy in both our day to day lives just as they do in birth. We will explore how our mind can get in the way of the natural production of our birthing hormones and how fear can inhibit us. We will learn how gently alter our subconcious to help our mind and body work together during birth.

The Course Content.

You can start your Hypnobirthing journey at anytime during your pregnancy but I recommend starting around your 26th week. You are able to absorb more as your pregnancy progresses and this gives you more time to implement the relaxation techniques and work through any blocks you have have.

Joining a group course is a great way to meet other parents-to-be who are on a similar life path. Community is an important component for some new parents and can help you feel connected to others on a similar path.

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