Alex Leggett, Mamamoon Hypnobirthing, relaxation, guided meditation, baby shower, events.

I’m Alex, founder of Mamamoon.

I am a Hypnobirthing Practitioner accredited by MamaSerene.

Giving women the tools to feel empowered when it comes to Pregnancy, birth and postpartum is so important. Feeling empowered by preparing allows us to feel comfortable asking for what we need and, ultimately, helps us connect with that innate knowing we are born with. 

How I can help you

How I can help you

Why Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing found me when I was pregnant with my first born and I really resonated with how our minds can alter our experience. From there I dove in deep and really explored the physiological and psychological aspects of birth and how birth has changed for women over the generations. Hypnobirthing and an understanding of my birthing body helped me remove fears and blocks and I was able to have a straightforward natural birth despite the birth not going according to plan! 

I decided to train in hypnobirthing after the birth of my second child; he was born in the middle of the pandemic. Birth services were at their most stretched so it was from this experience that I realised our birthing experience must become a priority and responsibility.
When the circumstances are not perfect we still deserve a birth that is empowering. My son's birth was not picture perfect, I laboured without support and very nearly birthed without my partner but despite this it was a beautiful experience and I was in awe of my body's extraordinary capabilities.

My love of birth and respect for women and motherhood has been the driving force behind MamaMoon, No birth follows the exact same line, each and everyone of us are different, our bodies differ and our life experiences and influences can alter our birth plan just as much as a medical condition can. It’s so important to prepare for birth with an open mind, whilst still educating ourselves, so we are able to make an informed choice when we need. An empowered birth doesn’t necessarily come from a perfect birth, it comes from being seen and heard and a feeling that you are fully supported in the choices you make. 

Hypnobirthing guidance, Mamamoon

From Hypnobirthing to breastfeeding and everything in between, please have a look at my offerings.

Course Information.

postnatal care mamamoon
Course Information Hypnobirthing